Simple, intuitive and convenient. A must-have for teachers, supervisors and families.

With just one click and in less than a second, Qualla streamlines the dismissal procedure,all in a completely safe and controlled environment.


Enter a class or group and locate the child 

You can find the child by their photo or using the first letter of their name or surname.

Check whether the person picking up the child has been authorised

When you tap the child’s photo, you can see photos of all the persons authorised for pick-up on that day. 
Simply check whether the collecting person’s photo appears before dismissing the child. If it does not, you must ask them to contact the family. They must authorise that person to pick up the child in the app. The update will show instantly after refreshing the screen.

Dismiss the child safely

Click on the collecting person’s photo and the dismissal will be automatically recorded in the app.

Authorised pick-ups are logged in the centre administration

The persons authorised by families and the record of children’s drop-offs can be accessed at any time. All the details regarding pick-ups can be accessed later through the centre administration, as a record is kept of who has picked up each pupil, on what day and at what time.

Families receive instant push notifications

By tapping the collecting person’s photo, the family automatically receives a push notification with the time as well as the name of that person and the centre where the child was picked up. Pick-ups are also registered in the family’s app
More than
More than
More than
More than

Qualla gives us peace of mind since it provides accurate information on who each child has left with in real time.

It’s a real stress buster in keeping our children safe, which is quite a sensitive matter. This is an added value for families.

Marisa Romero

When it comes to running our organisation, Qualla Kids has allowed us
to take a qualitative leap forward in planning, running and managing our
events. Having all the information on activities and participants stored neatly
in one place streamlines keeping track of any changes.

It also adds extra image, diligence, professionalism and modernity, which are
essential values at Terrassa Sports Club.

Vicenç Pujol
IT Director Terrassa Hockey Sports Club

It has made it easier for us to monitor attendance and control sports, leisure and canteen activities. Its digital nature means that handling all day-to-day mishaps is hassle-free and safe.

Joan Tarré
Manager of European Hockey Schools Tournament, Terrassa Hockey Sports Club

Qualla Kids has brought security and peace of mind to drop-offs and pick-ups of the participants of our activities at Terrassa Sports Club, specifically at the Summer Camp. Both families and all the staff running the activities have given highly positive feedback.

Estela Garcia
Director of the Terrassa Hockey Sports Club Summer Camp

Despite being a small school, we have numerous professionals as well as teachers and supervisors of various activities on our premises so Qualla has given us security and peace of mind when it comes to dismissing our pupils. Now we can be sure that they leave with someone of trust.

Mónica Frau
Secretary and Head of Extracurricular Activities SAN AGUSTÍN SCHOOL (Palma de Mallorca)

Qualla has improved the dismissal of pupils at our school: parents trust the way the school keeps track of who picks up their children. And thanks to the app’s clear interface, teachers have no doubts as to who has been authorised.

Albert Merino
Headteacher VEDRUNA DEL CARME (Sabadell)

I discovered Qualla and the possibility of dismissing students safely and simply using an app at the beginning of 2022.

As regards my school, the app was introduced to the staff; we had a trial period with teachers and we could verify the veracity of everything the Qualla team had told us. We are currently implementing it in our preschool (ages 3–5), and next year we will extend it to year 1.
Parents are happy with the app as dropping off and picking up their children has never been safer, especially when they are not the ones doing the school run.

As for Feceval, we have signed an agreement with Qualla and our associates can now use the app under the auspices of the association. Five centres are using the app at the moment.

Alberto Villanueva
President of FECEVAL and Headteacher TRAFALGAR SCHOOL (Valencia)

We have revolutionised the dismissals process to make it much safer for the school and families.

It’s now easier for the family to authorise third parties to collect their child, be it grandparents, aunts and uncles or extracurricular activities.

What I value most about Qualla is its proximity, adaptability, development and eagerness to create a project that ever-better adapts to both the school and the family.

Andreu Bou
Executive Director SANT NICOLAU SCHOOL (Sabadell)

We started using Qualla this year and it works wonders. Very convenient and very efficient in terms of notifications—a guaranteed stress buster!

And the enthusiasm that you ooze is certainly transferred to the product!

Eduard Carreras
Qualla Parent User

Qualla app is very intuitive and easy to navigate, both for users and for the teaching and administration staff.
It adds security and efficiency to monitoring our pupils’ attendance and dismissals.
The customer service team is fantastic, they are always on hand to answer any queries.

Elena Colell
Administration & Finance OAK HOUSE SCHOOL (Barcelona)

Thanks to Qualla and its canteen feature we no longer have to take care of registrations as parents make them directly from their app. We no longer have to jot down and delete daily changes in the service. And we no longer receive so many calls, e-mails and notifications. Qualla does everything for us.

Genís Sans Cabanach
Academic/Digital and HR Secretary SANT NICOLAU SCHOOL (Sabadell)

Qualla is a safe, simple and clear solution to school runs. It also allows us to keep track of all people who have picked up the children. Us teachers are very pleased with the app and it has resolved the need we had to control handing the children over to relatives, institutions, etc.
The families also value the app as a simple and quick to use tool that gives them security and peace of mind.

We can’t imagine our day-to-day at school without Qualla!

Susanna Soler i Pérez

Qualla Kids provides security and peace of mind to families and the institution during dismissals, which are now smoother and faster than ever.

Marta Plans
Nursery and Primary Coordinator SANT NICOLAU SCHOOL (Sabadell)

I was hesitant, I thought it would be a mess and would overcomplicate things but I was proven wrong the moment we had launched it. I saw that the dismissal process was just as fast as before but now with utmost safety. As headteacher, I’m now the most confident I’ve ever been. Every day I know who picked up the child, what authorisation they had, what time they came. It’s a real stress buster for families at all times. When we hand over a child, a notification appears on the mobile app with the name of the collecting person who is always authorised by the family.

Marcelino Pradas
Headteacher JUAN DE LA CIERVA SCHOOL (Palma de Mallorca)

The Qualla canteen feature allows us to save time in managing the daily canteen registrations and cancellations and the roll call is speedier than ever before. From teachers, to accounting and secretarial staff, to the kitchen team; we are all happy with this app as it’s convenient and saves us a lot of work.

Ana Marín
Headmistress MARNI SCHOOL (Valencia)

On the one hand, as an extracurricular organisation, it helps us a lot in terms of internal arrangements and control. We have 25 supervisors who look after 1,200 pupils a week, mainly primary-age children, and with Qualla we can keep constant track of all drop-outs and sign-ups. On the other hand, it gives us legal security and a full guarantee for families. We have been using it since last January (2022) and the outcome so far has been highly positive. Parents and guardians are very happy and reassured by the proper care they receive.

Jaume Català
CEO ROBOTIX BALEARS (Palma de Mallorca)

Implementing the Qualla app in our school, especially in preschool and early primary years, has allowed families to nominate trusted persons to pick up their children, thus ensuring the process is authorised and secure.

As school, we appreciate the peace of mind it has given to the teaching staff and to those in charge of the dismissal slots. Oftentimes, the dismissal process would not be executed under the utmost safety conditions. Nowadays, Qualla guarantees that the process is carried out safely by both the school and the families themselves.

Laura Badia Farré
Preschool and Primary Education Director, ESCOLA PIA SABADELL

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